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Wings of Angels : A Memoir of Madness

Wings of Angels : A Memoir of Madness

Author: Sandy Jeffs
Publisher: Spinifex Press
Publication Date: 01 May 2005
ISBN-13: 9781876756512
Bookstore 1


Not since Sylvia Plath and Anne Sexton has anyone written so candidly about madness. Able to manipulate key images, she moves from Niobe in 'widow's shroud' to Kali in a regal gown of grotesque death. The way is memorably peopled by the Pilot, the Hand, the guardian of the Gate -- a modern Cerberus with three heads: Ken Barbie and Ronald McDonald. Her poetry has a stark dignity, capable of conveying 'shudders of intense fear'. Yet who'd believe that Jeffs, in the midst of rigors, can access a voice both wild and funny? Not only does she plumb the depths of human experience in her journey into madness, she is also prepared to share that journey with her readers. In a realm where nightmares wrestle with dreams, where death by devouring is a way-station, where the underworld becomes a tourist destination. Sandy Jeffs' leavening sense of humour peoples her darkness with the sirens of the supermarket, a tinsel paradise and high-tech technicolour Armageddon. After all, God is only a word and angels, although mad, sing the wanderer into paradise.

Author Description

Sandy Jeffs is a Melbourne poet who has published five volumes of poetry and a memoir. Her first book Poems from the Madhouse was awarded second place in the FAW Anne Elder poetry prize 1994. Her memoir Flying with Paper Wings: Reflections on Living with Madness was shortlisted for the 2010 Age Book of the Year, named SANE Book of the Year 2010 and was commended in the 2010 Human Rights Awards. She has lived with schizophrenia and all its moods since 1976. Sandy has been a public loony for many years presenting as a human face for this often misunderstood condition. She lives with her friends and animals in a place where it's Christmas every day.

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