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How Does One Dress to Buy Dragonfruit? True Stories of Expat Women in Asia

How Does One Dress to Buy Dragonfruit? True Stories of Expat Women in Asia

Author: Shannon Young
Publisher: Signal 8 Press
Publication Date: 10 Jun 2014
ISBN-13: 9789881219527
Bookstore 1


In this collection, twenty-six women reveal the truth about expatriate life in modern East Asia through original works of memoir and creative non-fiction. Their experiences are varied and unique, demonstrating that expat women's lives go far beyond the stereotypical. The writers hail from a dozen different countries and walks of life. Some are well-known; others are fresh voices adding nuance to the expat conversation. Through deeply personal accounts, they explore what they have learned about themselves and the world through their lives abroad. Together, they create a portrait of the modern expatriate experience that will both resonate and inspire.

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