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HooDoo - Short introduction

HooDoo - Short introduction

Crones of the Wild Wastelands

2023/02/15 | 00:18:55 | Firstory #religion-spirituality

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Yes we are back. We also have a new co-host, Lady Sonika. Welcome her and her crone/priestess knowledge.

Today we are talking about HooDoo. It's not an indepth look, but should peak your interest to look into it further.

Starting with this episode, an article will be posted on the website (http://paganswildwasteland.com/blog/). This is not a transcript, but a written version.

I apologize on disappearing again. I pretty much have gotten over my reluctance to this podcast alone if need be. Lady Sonika is a long time friend, I would even call a mentor. Hope you enjoy!!

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