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#14 Ben Huh: "DAO-Decentralization is a Direction, not a Destination"

#14 Ben Huh: "DAO-Decentralization is a Direction, not a Destination"

Bored Chili Podcast

2023/04/02 | 01:09:30 | Firstory #technology

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Meet your hosts and guest!

We are members of the Special Council, WG0 Stewards and community member of ApeCoin DAO, everything we discuss here is our personal opinion as a community member and not representative of the Ape foundation. 

In this episode, Lost and I interviewed Ben Huh, the founder of Origami and OrangeDAO.

(00:01:20) Lost's and Ben's introduction and ape story
(00:04:20) Ben's introduction into DAOs
(00:12:00) What is a DAO?
(00:15:00) What does Origami do?
(00:18:30) Decentralization is a direction, it is not a destination
(00:20:30) Does delegation work?
(00:25:50) Creating an industry standard for how DAOs should work
(00:26:10) Discussing governance
(00:33:00) DAOs' challenges and two pizza teams
(00:38:40) Role-based segregation and t-shirt sizes
(00:46:00) How to solve problems around onboarding and participation
(00:51:30) Balancing speakers and doers
(00:53:00) The Origami framework
(01:07:00) Final DAO thoughts

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