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Vol.8 Incense Anthem Chieh Ting by Venerable Master Tze Cheng

Vol.8 Incense Anthem Chieh Ting by Venerable Master Tze Cheng

LingYen Mountain Temple Canada - Chanting Series

2021/07/21 | 00:11:40 | Firstory #religion-spirituality

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《Incense Anthem Chieh Ting》
Incense for discipline and serenity burns to reach heavens above.
We, the disciples devout, Offer it on an exquisite censer.
Instantaneously and suffusively.
It has permeated all places.
In the past Yasodhara avoided calamities and averted disasters.
Blessed be Bodhisattvas Mahasattvas under incense-cloud canopies.
Blessed be Bodhisattvas Mahasattvas under incense-cloud canopies.
Blessed be Bodhisattvas Mahasattvas under incense-cloud canopies.

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