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Hakka Dialogue EP.15-2023桐花祭主辦單位-洄游創生 邱子軒

Hakka Dialogue EP.15-2023桐花祭主辦單位-洄游創生 邱子軒

Hakka Dialogue

2023/03/27 | 00:11:40 | SoundOn #arts

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本集DJ Caitlin將訪問 洄游創生 邱子軒執行長,來聊聊今年「2023桐花祭」究竟有哪些好去處?有哪些有趣活動可以參加?讓我們在或白、或黃的桐花瓣紛紛飄落的浪漫季節裡,一起探訪桐花秘境吧!

In April and May forests in the country turn white with the popular Tung Blossoms that line mountains and hillsides around the country. The Tung blossom season comes shortly after the cherry blossom season, and the white flowers are often referred to as "April Snow" or "May Snow" depending on when they are in full bloom. Moreover, the floral event is closely related to Hakka culture and lifestyle as many Tung trees were mainly planted at places where Hakka people live.
This episode, our guest Chiu-Zǐ-Shiuan, CEO of Migratory Creation, will share the best places to see flowers, activities are held and more others fun to do during "2023 The Tung Blossom Festival".