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Hakka Dialogue EP.17-鄒宗翰 Tsou Tzung-Han-性別平權(gender equality)、同性婚姻(same-sex marriage)

Hakka Dialogue EP.17-鄒宗翰 Tsou Tzung-Han-性別平權(gender equality)、同性婚姻(same-sex marriage)

Hakka Dialogue

2023/05/29 | 00:12:38 | SoundOn #arts

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Tsou Tzung-Han is the Chief of Deutsche Welle’s Taipei office, Chairman of Taiwan Equality Campaign and Director of Taiwan LGBTQ Family Rights Advocacy.
In November 2016, Tsou Tzung-Han and his boyfriend of 6 years tied the knot in a mass wedding ceremony in Taipei, long before same-sex marriage was legalised in Taiwan. They held a wedding reception that same day and Tsou feels very happy and lucky to be supported by his family. Thus, Tsou Tzung-Han hosted LGBT Pride and other events in Taiwan, thanks to his commitment to LGBT and gender equality issues. In 2019, their marriage was formally recognized after Taiwan legalized same-sex marriage.