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Hakka Dialogue EP.16-王萬沂 Mr.one cajon 創辦人

Hakka Dialogue EP.16-王萬沂 Mr.one cajon 創辦人

Hakka Dialogue

2023/04/24 | 00:11:26 | SoundOn #arts

Play Episode


人稱「Mr.One小萬」的王萬沂,在2015年創立自己的木箱鼓品牌「Mr.One Cajon」。小萬不僅精通木箱鼓,也擅長爵士鼓以及編曲,
他曾經跟多位音樂人合作,例如:黃子軒(Huáng-Zǐ-Xuān)、曾仲瑋(Robin Tseng)、魏士翔(Wèi-Shì-Xiáng)。除此之外,小萬更受邀多場音樂會演出,擁有豐富的演出經驗。

Mr. Wáng-Wàn-Yí, otherwise known as “Mr. One, Xiǎo-Wàn”, he actually founded cajon brand called "Mr.One Cajon" in 2015.
Xiǎo-Wàn collaborated with many hakka musicians, like: Huáng-Zǐ-Xuān, Robin Tseng, Wèi-Shì-Xiáng. In addition, Xiǎo-Wàn has been invited to perform cajon in concerts and has a rich performance experience.
At the same time, Xiǎo-Wàn is also enthusiastic about the teaching of cajon and has held workshops in schools and NGOs. He promotes cajon to the public, making people interested in the cajon.