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1.2 Learning Arabic with Taiwanese American Cindy 聊聊學語言

1.2 Learning Arabic with Taiwanese American Cindy 聊聊學語言

International Talk 國際聊天室

2021/08/22 | 00:45:16 | Firstory #society-culture

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Today I am really excited for you to hear my interview with a fellow teacher Cindy. Cindy is Taiwanese but grew up in the US. She has mastered many languages and spent time in many different countries. She shares her interesting experiences with us as well as some useful language learning tips! 
今天很開心邀請到我的好朋友Cindy。爸爸媽媽是台灣人 但她從小在美國長大。除了會很多國語言 她也住過很多國家。今天就讓她來和各位分享的人生經驗和學語言的技巧!

Cindy's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/languageswithcindy/

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To watch a clip of the interview on YouTube please click here: 
Video 影片連結 (訪談片段): https://youtu.be/2-X5kXK-PTM

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