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1.12 Making a short film with Céline - 聊聊法國與台灣

1.12 Making a short film with Céline - 聊聊法國與台灣

International Talk 國際聊天室

2022/07/03 | 00:52:18 | Firstory #society-culture

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My guest today is Céline. Her parents are Taiwanese and Chinese/Cambodian but she grew up in Paris, France. Today we will talk about the following topics: 
今天的來賓是Céline 他的父母是台灣人和中國與柬埔寨 但是從小在法國巴黎出生長大。 今天他會跟我們分享:

  • Life in Paris 巴黎的生活
  • Experience as a third-culture kid 第3文化兒童的經驗
  • Filming a short film 拍一部短電影的故事
  • Culture shocks in Taiwan 搬來台灣的感覺
  • Dating life differences 感情生活裡的觀察

Check out Céline’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Hienf7HEXx-VyVd5yovZg 

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To watch a clip of the interview on YouTube please click here: 
Video 影片連結 (訪談片段): https://youtu.be/Xk3-yHB93u4 
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