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I Speak English You Learn Chinese

2020/07/04 | 00:00:57 | Firstory #education

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Hello, my name is Castor. 大家好,我的名字叫Castor。
I’m Chinese and I was born in Taiwan.我是出生在台灣的華人
I speak English, and you? Do you speak Chinese?我會講英文,你呢?你會說中文嗎?
In these episodes, you will learn expressions about people, emotional expressions, functional expressions, eating, clothing, living, transportation, and more in Chinese. 在這些單元中,你會學到有關人、情緒表達、功能性表達,食衣住行等的表達語句。
I hope you enjoy learning Chinese with me.我希望你享受與我一起學中文
Let’s get started.我們開始吧。

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