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How 5G Changes the Networking Market in Korea

How 5G Changes the Networking Market in Korea

IEI Podcast

2021/03/05 | 00:17:54 | Firstory #technology

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With 5G sweeping across the world, the changes brought about by 5G have
gradually expanded. It is already in commercial use in many countries, including
South Korea, the United States, the United Kingdom, China, Taiwan, etc. Among
them, South Korea has been the first to use it for corporations since the end of
2018, and for consumers since April 2019. You may be curious, what kind of
changes have been made in the South Korean Networking market with the help of
5G? In this episode we invite Nathan, the Assistant Manager of KR Sales Dept. in
IEI, to share with the audience what he saw in Korea over the past few years.
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