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Invasion of the Pod People

Invasion of the Pod People

Thomas Eliot


2022/06/25 | Firstory


#1 Interview w/Chris McInroy, Stacey Bell, and Kris Phipps of GUTS and other short horror films
2023/06/02 | 01:30:53
#2 Interview w/Noah Bunyon, director of The King in Yellow
2023/05/05 | 00:39:37
#3 Interview w/Fable Siegel, director of Lackadaisy
2023/05/03 | 01:46:01
#4 Interview w/Tracy Butler, creator of Lackadaisy
2023/05/01 | 01:35:12
#5 Interview w/Rick Ives of Solid Rock Trust
2023/04/07 | 01:24:06
#6 Interview w/Matt Gordon about Special Effects makeup
2023/04/04 | 00:25:08
#7 Interview w/Rico Dalsimer, creator of Durty D and Dawn of the Friend
2023/04/03 | 00:40:50
#8 Interview w/Finn Callan and Anna Fraser of Guest horror short film
2023/03/03 | 01:41:14
#9 Interview w/the crew of Valentine Bluffs
2023/02/28 | 00:48:00
#10 Interview w/Chris Dubey, producer of Paper City Burnout
2023/02/03 | 00:57:26
#11 Interview w/Steve Rudzinski, director of CarousHell
2023/01/06 | 01:19:55
#12 Interview with Dustin Mattson, director of Tapehead
2022/12/02 | 01:42:14
#13 Interview with Prof. Dustin Morrow, director of Black Pool
2022/11/04 | 01:10:05
#14 Fear of the Unknown actual play duo game w/Howard Frieze
2022/10/21 | 02:04:55
#15 Fear of the Unknown Actual Play w/special guest Brian Patrick O'Toole
2022/10/14 | 03:09:39
#16 Interview with Andrew Leman and Sean Branney of the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society
2022/10/07 | 00:52:46
#17 Fear of the Unknown w/Sean Patrick Fannon and Jamie Avery
2022/10/03 | 03:00:28
#18 Fear of the Unknown Actual Play w/Sean, Jamie, and Graham
2022/10/01 | 03:23:40
#19 Interview w/Brian LaGuardia, composer at Rice Games
2022/09/02 | 01:34:33
#20 Let's rank 21 evil doll movies
2022/08/12 | 00:18:46
#21 Interview w/Len Kabasinski
2022/08/05 | 00:36:07
#22 Best Horror Kills w/John Carpenter
2022/07/29 | 00:59:03
#23 Fear of the Unknown Character and Setting Creation
2022/07/22 | 00:17:37
#24 A history of horror antagonists in 36 films
2022/07/15 | 00:34:30
#25 Fear of the Unknown - How to Play
2022/07/08 | 00:12:39
#26 Interview with Brian Patrick O'Toole, writer of Evilution and Basement Jack
2022/07/01 | 01:43:58
#27 Introduction
2022/07/01 | 00:02:32