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Theme is the Theme (S3:E1)

Theme is the Theme (S3:E1)

Improvisations on The Ledge

2021/10/08 | 00:26:57 | Firstory #education

Play Episode


After an extended layoff, I've decided to get back to Improvisations On the Ledge by sticking to the theme—literally. The entire season—including this episode—is devoted to musical theme: how we create, perceive it, and make music out of it.

In the pilot episode for season three, I randomly stumble upon a couple of themes, including "My Funny Valentine" and "Money, Money, Money", then proceed to create a show out of them.

Along the way, I delve into what a "theme" is in musical terms. Is it like the theme of a story? Yes and no. In music, themes, as I discover in this episode, are far more fungible than their literary or dramatic counterpoints. They can magically transform into other themes; themes can generate new themes; musical elements that don't seem on the surface to be thematic can become so by their repeated use.

In short, just about any sonic event can become thematic. This is what makes music special.
As we'll find out in season three!

Music Mentioned

My Funny Valentine
Money, Money, Money, Money


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