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Sexy Umy 3: Genders & Pornography

Sexy Umy 3: Genders & Pornography

Sexy Umy

2022/01/27 | 00:01:46 | Firstory #arts

Play Episode


Genders & Pornography. 
What is the average age of a child’s first exposure to porn? Age 11? Maybe much earlier, since websites often have pornographic advertisements and news appearing around the web pages. I am distracted: I saw it, I took a look at it.

When I see the close-up shot of a human’s private parts, I feel uneasy. When I read some sensational news, I become curious. If I glimpse the clip, I will be sexually aroused: But soon, I feel embarrassed, I lay on the bed, annoyedly. I want to punch someone, I'm furious. 

Give me gentle clips, or plain texts. And romance! 

That’s right.

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