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Sexy Umy 3: Sexy

Sexy Umy 3: Sexy

Sexy Umy

2022/01/27 | 00:03:29 | Firstory #arts

Play Episode



I say I am sexy, am I being lustful?
You say that I am sexy, are you obscene?

I used to scare myself. I always put a "taboo" mark on certain words. So, when I heard the word „Sexy“, I was nervous. I was cautious and I looked around: "Is someone trying to assault me?". But when I describe myself as Sexy, I look at my posture in the mirror, my behavior in the photos, and my expression in the text, I feel more relieved, „Yes, I am sexy, because I have taken good care of myself, from the body to mind.“

When my friend tells me that I am sexy. Now I am surprised and happy. It seems that my self-evaluation at home is proven! Some people say that I am not sexy. What a relief, I know that „Me being Sexy“ is indeed what I feel from my heart, not what I hear from my head.

But there is a kind of person that I hate. They say that I am sexy, and their eyes linger on my body, from head to toe, and from toe to head. They are of almost all genders and ages. I used to think that ""I made them sexually aroused", so I blamed myself seriously. I quickly put on clothes, dressing like an astronaut. What about now? I understand that some are just learning how to dress and behave decently from others, as I usually do; some are still balancing their own impulses and fantasies.

If their behaviors are too insulted, I will speak up to them, now:
„Hey! Your glares, your words, are making me very uncomfortable."

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