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The Barcelona Bike Bus

The Barcelona Bike Bus

News For Kids

2021/11/24 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


I was almost late! 我差一點遲到了!

My bus was late! 我的公車晚來了!

I take a bus to work. Do you take a bus to school? Or something else? It doesn't really matter as long as you're not late for class!

It would be nice to go by bicycle, too. But sometimes there's a lot of traffic and it's not safe for kids to cycle to school, especially in busy cities.

One of Spain's busiest cities is called Barcelona. And there people had an idea to help kids ride bikes to school safely.
西班牙大城市 巴塞隆納的居民想出了一個好主意,讓小朋友能安全騎腳踏車上學。

It's called the Bike Bus. It's really just a big group of people cycling together to stay safe. It takes over the whole street! Anyone can join and kids can cycle or skate or do whatever they want! Police cars go in front and behind the Bike Bus to keep everyone safe!
這個主意叫做【腳踏車巴士】,它是很多人一起騎腳踏車或是溜冰,腳踏車巴士佔據了整條馬路! 而且誰都可以參加喔,警察會開車在前後保護大家!

Kids can just get off the Bike Bus when they get to their school.

There's even music too! It's like a bicycle party!

The Bike Bus sounds like a lot of fun! And a great way to get to school!


  1. Ride 騎。
    Do you ride bikes? 你騎腳踏車嗎?
    Yeah, I ride to school almost every day. 騎啊,我幾乎每天騎車上學。
    I enjoy riding fast with my friends. 我喜歡跟朋友一起騎快車。

  2. Safe 安全的。
    Is the road safe? 路上安全嗎?
    I think so. 我想安全吧。
    There's not a lot of traffic. 路上車子不多。
    And traffic police keep us safe. 交通警察也會保護我們安全。

  3. Take 搭乘。
    It's raining hard now. 現在正在下大雨。
    I can't take the bus. 我沒辦法搭公車。
    Take a taxi then. 那你就坐計程車吧。

  4. Get off 下車。
    That way you can get off in front of the store. 那樣你就可以在店門口下車。
    The store doesn't let people get off there. 那家店不讓人在門口下車。

Please try to use these words in your conversation.
ride 騎
safe 安全的
take 搭乘
get off 下車


  1. Why is it unsafe to cycle to school in some places?
    A: Because it's too far
    B: Because there is too much traffic
    C: Because there are too many banana skins

  2. What idea did people have to keep kids safe?
    A: The Bike Bus
    B: The Cycle Taxi
    C: The Bicycle Train

  3. Where is this happening?
    A: Seoul
    B: Hualien
    C: Barcelona


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C