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More Tigers in Nepal

More Tigers in Nepal

News For Kids

2022/10/11 | 00:05:42 | SoundOn #education

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Hi students! Do you know what year it is? Sure, it's 2022. But it's also another year. Let me give you a hint. Yep, it's the Year of the Tiger. Tigers are special animals.

They are the biggest of the big cats. Lions are also big cats. So are leopards… But tigers are endangered. That means tigers are in danger of becoming extinct.

Why are tigers endangered? One reason is that some people hunt these big cats. It's illegal to hunt tigers, but some bad people still do it.

About 100 years ago, there used to be about 100,000 tigers in Asia. But today, there are fewer than 4,000.

Because tigers are endangered, some people are trying to save them. In Nepal, there is some good news for tigers. Nepal is a country in Asia. In 2009, there were only about 120 tigers in Nepal. Today, Nepal has 355 tigers. Wow! That's almost three times as many tigers!

How did Nepal increase the number of tigers? They worked harder to stop people from hunting and killing them. They also protected the places tigers live.

Good job, Nepal!


  1. animal 動物
    Many animals live around us. 很多動物住在我們的周圍。
    You mean cats, dogs and birds? 你是指貓和狗,還有鳥嗎?
    Yeah, and rats, ants and spiders. 對啊,還有老鼠,螞蟻和蜘蛛。

  2. in danger of 有危險
    Those animals are not in danger of extinction. 那些動物都沒有絕種的危險。
    No, they are not. 是沒有。

  3. extinct 絕種的
    Why do some animals go extinct? 為什麼有的動物會絕種?
    Sometimes it's because the environment changed. 有時候是因為環境改變了。

  4. hunt 狩獵
    And sometimes people hunt them. 有時候是人類獵殺牠們。
    Right, people love the animal's meat or skin too much. 對,人類太喜歡某種動物的肉或是皮毛。

animal 動物
in danger of 有危險
extinct 絕種的
hunt 狩獵


  1. What are tigers, lions, and leopards called?
    A: Asian cats
    B: Danger cats
    C: Big cats

  2. If an animal is "endangered" what does that mean?
    A: It could die out
    B: It is a dangerous animal
    C: It has a disease

  3. Why are there more tigers in Nepal now?
    A: More tigers moved there
    B: Nepal helped to protect them
    C: Some new zoos opened in Nepal


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B