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Radio for Afghan Girls

Radio for Afghan Girls

News For Kids

2023/01/13 | 00:05:12 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Today is Public Radio Broadcasting Day.

The radio has many programs: music, news, and education.

So, let's talk about some radio programs which do an important job in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan is a big country in Asia. Recently, that country got a new law. The law says girls can't go to school.

Girls want to change this law, but for now they must stay home. If they can't go to school, how can they keep learning?

The answer is radio. Some radio stations in Afghanistan now give lessons every day. Students can listen to the radio at home to learn math, science and other subjects.

Sometimes they read books out loud, to teach reading skills. Girls can even call in to the stations to talk about their problems.

The women who run the stations say the future of girls is the future of Afghanistan.

Today, on Public Radio Broadcasting Day, let's remember that radio can make a difference.


  1. school 學校
    Aren't you going to school today? 你今天不去上學?
    No, I'm staying at home. 對,我待在家。

  2. math 數學
    What about your math lessons? 那你的數學課怎麼辦?
    I can learn math myself. 我可以自己學數學。
    How? By listening to yourself talk? 怎麼學? 你就自言自語嗎?
    No, I listen to the radio. 不,我會聽收音機。

  3. program 節目
    There's no way you can learn math through radio programs! 你不可能從廣播節目學數學。
    Are you kidding? Of course I can. 開玩笑,當然可以。

  4. learn 學習
    I think it's a bad idea to miss school. 我覺得錯過上學很糟糕。
    Don't worry. I can learn anywhere, anytime. 別擔心,我不論何時何地都可以學習。

Let's read today's vocabulary.
school 學校
math 數學
program 節目
learn 學習


  1. What country does not let girls go to school?
    A: Australia
    B: Argentina
    C: Afghanistan

  2. What do these radio stations want to give girls?
    A: A house
    B: An education
    C: A rest

  3. What day is today?
    A: Public Radio Broadcasting Day
    B: World Computer Day
    C: Valentine's Day


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A