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Japanese Dog Trainer Wants More 'Poop Posts'

Japanese Dog Trainer Wants More 'Poop Posts'

News For Kids

2022/03/17 | 00:05:28 | SoundOn #education

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Oh no, I've run out of doggie poop bags! I hate it when that happens.

Whenever I walk my dog, I always forget to bring enough bags to pick up his poop!

It's important to clean up after your dogs when you take them for a walk, otherwise there would be doggie poop everywhere outside!

A woman in Japan named Akari Tanaka actually had a great idea to fix this problem.

Akari set up "poop posts" all over her neighborhood. The poop posts come with plastic bags. People can use these bags to clean up their dog's poop.

There is also a trash can where they throw away the used bags.

That is so thoughtful and convenient!

Akari hopes when people are walking their dogs, they will take bags from these posts to clean up after their pets, and this will help keep the neighborhood clean.
Akari 希望遛狗的人可以多多利用便便站,讓社區變乾淨。

What a great idea! I have seen posts like these in dog parks in Taiwan.

But it would be a great idea if we had something like this all over the cities in Taiwan too!

That will really help us keep the streets clean!


  1. Walk 走路。
    Do you walk your dog every day? 你每天都去遛狗嗎?
    No, I do it on Saturday only. 不,只有星期六才這樣。

  2. Take a walk 散步。
    Would you like to take a walk in the park? 你想在公園散散步嗎?
    What a lovely idea! 真棒的主意!
    Let me get my hat and coat. 我去拿我的帽子和外套。

  3. Clean up 清理。
    How's the dinner? 晚飯如何啊?
    It's delicious! Thank you! 很好吃,謝謝!
    Good, now can you please clean up the kitchen? 真好,現在可以請你清理廚房嗎?
    I'm on it. 我就來做。

  4. Convenient 方便的。
    We should buy a dishwasher. 我們應該買個洗碗機。
    I agree. It'll be very convenient. 我同意。會很方便的。

We use these words every day.
walk 走路
take a walk 散步
clean up 清理
convenient 方便的


  1. What kind of posts is this story talking about?
    a. Poop posts
    b. Traffic posts
    c. Light posts

  2. What do these posts come with?
    a. Bags
    b. Leashes
    c. Pet treats

  3. In which country were these posts put up?
    a. The U.S.
    b. South Korea
    c. Japan


  1. A
  2. A
  3. C