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Scientists Zap Clouds with Electricity

Scientists Zap Clouds with Electricity

News For Kids

2022/12/07 | 00:05:14 | SoundOn #education

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Summers in Taiwan can be very hot! When the sun comes out, everyone feels warm. And sometimes, it's too dry. Isn't there any way to make it rain?!

In the past, we could not change the weather. But scientists have had an idea. They have found a way to make it rain, using electricity.

We know where rain comes from. It falls from clouds in the sky.

Clouds are made of water. When the water gets too heavy, the clouds start to rain.

Sometimes there is not enough rain. That is not good. When the rain is too little, people have no water to drink, and plants become too dry. So how can we make it rain more?

Recently, scientists did a test. They used a little robot to zap a cloud with electricity. The electricity made the drops of water stick together.

When the drops of water come together, they get heavier. Then they fall to earth. So when the cloud is zapped with electricity, it turns into rain.

What a useful idea. Scientists think it can help people. When the weather is too hot or dry, people can use this technology to make rain. All it takes is a cloud and a little electricity!


  1. cloud 雲
    How's the weather? 天氣怎麼樣?
    A gray sky with lots of thick clouds. 灰色天空,有很多厚厚的雲。
    Uh oh, that doesn't sound good. 糟糕,聽起來很不好。
    No. I think it's going to rain very soon. 是不好,我想很快就會下雨。

  2. rain 下雨
    It rained all day yesterday. 昨天就下了一整天的雨。
    But it's better than a hot and dry day. 但是總比又熱又乾好。
    I prefer a dry day. 我比較喜歡乾燥的天氣。

  3. electricity 電力
    What's happening? 怎麼回事?
    The light won't come on. 電燈不亮。
    Because there's no electricity. 因為停電了。

  4. in the past 從前
    What should we do? 我們怎麼辦?
    In the past we would light candles. 以前我們會點蠟燭。
    No, I don't want to stay here. 不了,我不要待在這裡。

cloud 雲
rain 下雨
electricity 電力
in the past 從前


  1. Where does rain come from?
    A: The sun
    B: The moon
    C: The clouds

  2. How can we make clouds rain?
    A: Burn them with fire
    B: Tell them "more rain please"
    C: Zap them with electricity

  3. When do clouds become rain?
    A: When they get too heavy
    B: When they get too light
    C: When they get too sad


  1. C
  2. C
  3. A