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The ATM on Top of a Mountain

The ATM on Top of a Mountain

News For Kids

2022/11/08 | 00:05:15 | SoundOn #education

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Hi students, have you seen your mommy or daddy use an ATM?

You put your bank card inside, then type in your code. Then, you can get money from the machine!

ATMs are very convenient, and it's super easy to find an ATM in Taiwan.

But I can think of some places in Taiwan where you probably can't find an ATM… like, on top of a mountain!

I don't think you can find an ATM on Yushan or Alishan or Hehuanshan…

But in Pakistan, there is an ATM on top of a mountain! It's the world's highest ATM!

This ATM in Pakistan is more than 4,500 meters up… up, up on the top of a mountain!

4,500 meters is higher than Yushan or Alishan… it's higher than any mountain in Taiwan.

But, why do you need an ATM at the top of a mountain? To get money to buy some snow or some rocks?

Actually, that ATM is for Pakistan's soldiers.

One side of the mountain is in Pakistan and the other side of the mountain is in China.

The soldiers from Pakistan have to stay on the mountain, so the ATM is for them to get paid for their job.

The soldiers need an easy way to get paid, so they have an ATM way up on the top of a mountain! Cool!


  1. high 高的,higher 比較高的,highest 最高的
    How high is He-huan-shan? 合歡山有多高?
    I think it's around 3,420 meters high. 我想大約是3,420公尺。
    That's much higher than A-li-shan. 那比阿里山高很多。
    But of course, Jade Mountain is the highest. 不過當然玉山是最高的。

  2. bank card 銀行卡
    Do you have a bank card on you? 你身上有銀行卡嗎?
    Yes, I do. Why? 有啊,為什麼?
    I need to get some money. 我需要領一些錢。
    You can use your bank card. 你可以用你的銀行卡。
    But there's no money in my bank account. 可是我的銀行帳戶裡沒有錢。
    That's okay. There's no ATM here either. 沒關係,這裡也沒有提款機。

high 高的
higher 比較高的
highest 最高的
bank card 銀行卡


1.Where is the ATM in this story?
A: On a mountain in Pakistan
B: On a beach in China
C: On a hill in Taichung

2.What can you get from an ATM?
A: Soldiers
B: Money
C: Goats

3.How tall is the mountain in Pakistan?
A: More than 4,500 meters
B: Less than 4,500 meters
C: Nearly 4,500 meters


  1. A
  2. B
  3. A