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Biggest Belly Wins

Biggest Belly Wins

News For Kids

2023/05/11 | 00:05:13 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Hey, everyone! Look at the people around you. Some people are tall. Some are short. Some are thin. Some have big bellies.

Some people think big bellies aren't healthy. But some think big bellies are great.

The Bodi people live in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is a country in Africa. The Bodi people like men with big bellies. They have a contest every year. The man with the biggest belly wins!

A big belly isn't easy to get. It can take six months. The men eat and drink all day. Do they eat hamburgers and pizza? No. They eat honey. What do they drink? They drink a lot of milk and cow blood.

The men want to have the biggest belly very much. The men don't exercise. They sit all day.

The contest day comes. The men walk around. They show their big bellies. What does the winner get? Money? A car? No. He wins respect.
That means everyone thinks the winner is great!
比賽當天,男士們會走秀,展示自己的腹圍,贏的人得到什麼呢? 沒有獎品,但是會得到大家的尊重!

After the contest, the men get thin. Next year, they'll try to get the biggest belly again!

Big or small, you are great! Let's celebrate "Eat What You Want Day" today!


  1. exercise 運動
    I really need to exercise during summer vacation. 我真的得在暑假時運動。
    Why wait until summertime? 為什麼要等到暑假?
    It's still one month away. 還有一個月呢。

  2. month 月份
    Summer vacation is 2 months long. 暑假有兩個月。
    I know that. 我知道啊。
    So I can try to walk two hours every morning. 所以我可以試著每天早上走兩個鐘頭。

  3. walk 走路
    You can walk 20 minutes every day now. 你可以現在每天走二十分鐘。
    That's different. 那不一樣。
    I need to walk off my belly fat. 我需要走路甩腹部脂肪。

  4. fat 脂肪
    Belly fat is tough. 腹部脂肪很麻煩。
    And I have loads of it. 而我有一大堆呢。

exercise 運動
month 月份
walk 走路
fat 脂肪


  1. What do the Bodi men eat to get big bellies?
    A: Hamburgers
    B: Honey
    C: Pizza

  2. Why do the men walk around on the contest day?
    A: To get bigger bellies
    B: To get smaller bellies
    C: To show their bellies

  3. What do the Bodi people think of the winner?
    A: He's great
    B: He's tall
    C: He's hungry


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A