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Kids to Record Roads for Earth Day

Kids to Record Roads for Earth Day

News For Kids

2023/04/21 | 00:05:14 | SoundOn #education

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Tomorrow is Earth Day! I'm at the National Museum of Natural Science in Taichung. The museum has lots of stones, plants, animals, and insects.

There are bees, butterflies, crickets and many more insects…

Insects help make the earth healthy. We need them! But many insects are dying all over the earth.

There's a natural science museum in the UK too. It's called the Natural History Museum. It has a big science project for Earth Day. Kids in the UK can help!

The project is about insects and noise. Are loud noises bad for insects? Scientists don't know.

The project is very easy… First, kids pick a road.

Some roads are quiet. There's not much noise. Some roads are noisy.

Kids record the noise on their road for five minutes.

Next, kids look at 10 meters of their road. They record all the insects they see. Then they send everything to the museum. Scientists will study this information.

What are you doing for Earth Day?


  1. butterfly 蝴蝶
    We're going on a field trip tomorrow. 我們明天要校外教學。
    To see butterflies. 去看蝴蝶。
    Are you going to the Taipei Zoo? 你們要去台北動物園嗎?

  2. insect 昆蟲
    They have a good Insect Hall… 他們有很好的昆蟲館…
    With butterflies and other bugs. 有蝴蝶和其他昆蟲。

  3. natural 自然的
    No, we want a more natural environment. 不是,我們要更自然的環境。
    We'll be going to Yangmingshan. 我們要上陽明山。

  4. quiet 安靜的
    That's a nice and quiet place. 那是很安靜的好地方。
    No, it's never quiet on holidays. 不,陽明山假日的時候並不安靜。

你喜歡看蝴蝶嗎? 我們一起來讀今天的單字。
butterfly 蝴蝶
insect 昆蟲
natural 自然的
quiet 安靜的


  1. Where is the National Museum of Natural Science?
    A: Tainan
    B: Taichung
    C: Taipei

  2. What are some insects?
    A: Stones and plants
    B: Bees and butterflies
    C: Cars and people

  3. What do kids record for the project?
    A: Noise and insects on a road
    B: Museums and scientists
    C: Earth Day in the UK


  1. B
  2. B
  3. A