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Dogs Ride a Bus Like Kids

Dogs Ride a Bus Like Kids

News For Kids

2023/05/03 | 00:05:04 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Bye, buddy! Be good! See you later!

I want to be with my dog all day. But I can't take him everywhere. Is he okay at home all day? He can't have fun. He can't go for a walk. Is he bored? Does he want to play with other dogs?

Many people are busy. They can't walk their dogs. What do they do? They get a dog walker. Mo is a dog walker. She loves her job. Mo walks many dogs.
很多人太忙,沒有空遛狗,他們會請「遛狗人」幫忙。Mo 就是一位遛狗人。

Mo has a bus. Kids don't ride it. Dogs ride Mo's bus!

Mo picks up the dogs. The dogs sit on their own seats. They wear seat belts. Are the dogs good in the bus? I think all the dogs are good! Why? It's because good dogs get dog treats. Dogs love to eat treats!
Mo 還有一台狗狗專用的巴士!牠們上車坐好,還要繫安全帶。表現好的狗狗有零嘴可以吃,所以牠們在車上都很乖!

The bus goes to a walking trail. The dogs get off the bus. Mo takes them on a long walk. They play. They have so much fun!
巴士會把狗狗送到步道,Mo 就帶著牠們走好長一段路。牠們會在路上玩耍!

These dogs are happy! They aren't at home all day. They aren't bored. They ride a bus!

Do you love dogs? I do! Hmm… maybe I can be a dog walker too! Then I can play with dogs all day!


  1. pick up 接起來
    I've got to go. 我得走了。
    I need to pick up my dog. 我得去接我的狗。
    Just like picking up a child. 就跟接小孩一樣。

  2. seat belt 安全帶
    Yeah, only a child would wear a seat belt. 對,但是小孩會扣上安全帶。
    But not your dog? 你的狗不用嗎?
    No, he likes to play with a ball in the back seat. 不用,他喜歡在後座玩球。
    Just take away the ball. 把球拿走啊。

  3. bored 無聊的
    I can't. He'll be bored and bark at me all the way home. 不行,他會覺得無聊,回家路上對著我叫。

  4. all day 一整天
    Maybe you should just walk him home. 也許你應該就跟他走路回家。
    That will take all day. 那要花一整天。

pick up 接起來
seat belt 安全帶
bored 無聊的
all day 一整天


  1. What is Mo's job?
    A: dog talker
    B: dog washer
    C: dog walker

  2. What do the dogs do on the bus?
    A: Sit with a kid
    B: Sit on their own seats
    C: Sit under the seats

  3. Why do the dogs go to the trail?
    A: To be bored
    B: To wear a seat belt
    C: To go on a walk


  1. C
  2. B
  3. C