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A New Tuna to Save Tuna Fish

A New Tuna to Save Tuna Fish

News For Kids

2023/05/02 | 00:05:06 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


I love tuna! My favorite food is tuna sushi. Tuna tastes good. It's a healthy food too.

Many of us eat tuna. Fishermen catch the tuna we eat. They catch seven billion kilograms every year! That's a lot of tuna!

But that's too much tuna. The number of tuna fish is smaller every year. That's not good. What happens when the number is too small? The number of fish cannot get big again. Restaurants and supermarkets won't have much tuna. Then one day there will be no tuna fish.

A new company wants to help tuna fish. How does it help? It makes tuna! How does it make tuna? The company uses plants! It uses peas, algae, and other food from plants. It doesn't use fish. It is plant-based tuna.

Maybe many of us can eat plant-based tuna. Then we can stop eating tuna fish. The number of tuna fish can get big again.

Do you want to try this plant-based tuna? You can help save tuna fish too!


  1. eat 吃
    Are you eating potato chips again? 你又在吃洋芋片?
    Just a couple of pieces. 只吃兩片。
    You know better than that. 你應該知道不該吃的。

  2. healthy 健康的
    Well, I don't like healthy snacks. 我就不愛健康零食。
    Are you kidding? 開什麼玩笑? A lot of healthy food tastes great. 很多健康食物很好吃的。

  3. supermarket 超市
    Yeah, like what? 是嘛,比如說什麼?
    Like pineapple. 比如說鳳梨。
    I don't see any pineapple here. 我在這兒沒看到鳳梨。
    The supermarket is right next door! 隔壁超市就有啊!

  4. try 嘗試
    It's raining. I'll try going tomorrow. 現在下雨,我明天去試試看。
    Okay. Can I have some of your chips? 好吧。我可以吃一點你的洋芋片嗎?

eat 吃
healthy 健康的
supermarket 超市
try 嘗試


  1. How much tuna do fishermen catch every year?
    A: Seven billion kilograms
    B: Seven billion tuna fish
    C: Seven billion grams

  2. What happens when the number of tuna fish gets too small?
    A: It is healthy
    B: It can't get big again
    C: We can eat more tuna

  3. What kind of tuna does the new company make?
    A: Fish-based
    B: Plant-based
    C: Tuna-based


  1. A
  2. B
  3. B