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Bug Snacks

Bug Snacks

News For Kids

2021/09/22 | 00:05:30 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Some people call them "bugs"… but another word is "insects."

Insects have six legs. Insects usually have wings. Do you like insects? 你喜歡昆蟲嗎?昆蟲有六條腿和翅膀。

And insects are really yummy… Huh? What?!

Yeah! Many people think that some insects taste good! 有很多人覺得昆蟲吃起來的味道很好。

Lots of people all around the world eat insects… even here in Taiwan!

Some people think insects are yummy snacks!

There is a new vending machine in Japan. 日本現在有一種新型販賣機。

You can get drinks or food from regular vending machines… but the new vending machine has snacks made from insects. 新的販賣機賣昆蟲做的點心。

What do you think? Feeling hungry? Want a snack? Would you like a grasshopper snack? Or maybe a beetle? 想吃蚱蜢或是甲蟲點心嗎?

No? Ha. I do! I want to try them all.

Maybe insect snacks are really yummy. Maybe one day we can have an insect vending machine in Taiwan! 也許有一天,昆蟲自動販賣機會在台灣出現!



  1. Machine 機器。
    I love vending machines! 我好喜歡自動販賣機。
    They are so convenient. 它們好方便。
    I want a machine that sells hamburgers. 我想要賣漢堡的機器。

  2. Snack 點心。
    It's snack time! 點心時間到!
    Hurray! What do we have? 太棒了! 我們有哪些點心?
    Sandwiches, popcorn and apples. 三明治,爆米花和蘋果。

  3. Taste 品嘗。
    This sandwich tastes awful, yuk! 這個三明治真難吃!
    Is it really that bad? 真的有那麼糟糕嗎?
    Yeah, taste it yourself. 真的,你自己嚐嚐看。

  4. Try 試一試。
    I will certainly try it later. 我等下一定會試吃。
    Here, try this one. 你吃吃看這個。

Let's read these fun words.
machine 機器
snack 點心
taste 品嘗
try 試一試


  1. What is another word that means a "bug?"
    A: A giraffe
    B: A spider
    C: An insect

  2. What is in a new vending machine in Japan?
    A: Soda and cookies.
    B: Pizza and hot dogs.
    C: Snacks made out of insects

  3. What do insects have?
    A: Six legs and usually wings
    B: Eight legs and four arms
    C: Two legs and eight wings


  1. C
  2. C
  3. A