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Living Near a Park is Healthy

Living Near a Park is Healthy

News For Kids

2022/05/05 | 00:05:36 | SoundOn #education

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Hey, kids! Do you think it's healthier to live in a loud, busy city. Or is it healthier to live near a nice, quiet park?

If you guessed a park, you are right!

Scientists in Spain say that people who live close to parks are healthier.

They found that people are 16 percent less likely to have a stroke if they live close to a park.

What is a stroke? It is a very serious thing that happens to someone when they don't get enough oxygen in their brain.

Oxygen is in the air, so if you live somewhere where the air is clean you will have more oxygen.

How close to a park do you need to live? Yes, the scientists know that, too! The number is 300 meters.

So, people who live 300 meters or less from a park are healthier. They are less likely to have a stroke!

It's healthier because the air is cleaner around a park. There are no cars in a park, and there are lots of trees around to help clean the air.

I wish I could live in a park. Thinking about parks makes me feel so relaxed.

Well, you don't have to live in a park to be healthy. But living near a park sure helps!


  1. near 靠近
    I run in the park every day. 我每天都在公園裡跑步。
    You live near a park? Lucky you! 你住在公園附近? 真幸運!

  2. clean 乾淨的
    Yeah, I love the clean air and beautiful trees. 是啊,我喜歡乾淨的空氣和美麗的樹。
    Everybody loves that but we don't have enough parks. 每個人都喜歡,可是我們的公園不夠。
    That's true. 這是真的。

  3. tree 樹木
    So what beautiful trees does your park have? 所以你的公園有哪些美麗的樹?
    My favorite one is the cherry tree. 我最喜歡的樹是櫻花樹。

  4. healthy 健康的
    Come run with me! 來跟我一起跑吧。
    Running in the park will keep you healthy. 在公園裡跑步會讓你維持健康。
    You sound like my dad. 你聽起來像我老爸。

near 靠近
clean 乾淨的
tree 樹木
healthy 健康的


  1. Where did the scientists do their research?
    A: England
    B: Spain
    C: Canada

  2. How close must people live to a park to be healthier?
    A: 3 meters
    B: 30 meters
    C: 300 meters

  3. Why is living near a park probably healthier?
    A: It is quieter
    B: It is cleaner
    C: It is prettier


  1. B
  2. C
  3. B