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New Glass Frog Discovered

New Glass Frog Discovered

News For Kids

2022/05/11 | 00:05:39 | SoundOn #education

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There are lots of rainforests in South America… not only the famous Amazon rainforest in Brazil.

And scientists keep finding new animals in these rainforests!

Usually, they don't find new big animals… usually they find amazing small animals that live in these rainforests.

And recently, they found a new frog.

It's called a 'glass frog.'

Can you guess why? Yep! You can see through parts of its body… just like glass!

You can see its red heart beating!

There are many kinds of glass frogs, and this new one is tiny… but it can jump more than 3 meters!

And, these newly-found glass frogs do something very different.

Unlike most frogs … for these kinds of glass frogs… it's the daddy glass frog who watches the eggs and waits for them to hatch into tadpoles, not the mommy!

We call a group of one kind of animals a 'species'.

So far, scientists have found more than 150 different species of glass frogs in the South American rainforest!
"Species" 就是物種。科學家已經在南美洲雨林發現超過150種的玻璃蛙。

Nature is so cool! And it keeps giving us new surprises!


1) animal 動物
The glass frog is an amazing animal! 玻璃蛙是很驚人的動物。
It really is. 真的是。
It's the only land animal with see-through skin. 牠是唯一有透明皮膚的陸地動物。

2) forest 森林, rainforest 雨林
Why does it live in rainforests? 為什麼牠住在雨林?
I think all frogs love rain. 我想所有青蛙都喜歡下雨。
And it lives in trees. 而且牠住在樹裡面。

3) frog 青蛙
I'm afraid of frogs. 我害怕青蛙。
Because of how they look? 因為牠們的長相嗎?
Yeah, they are ugly. 對啊,牠們好難看。

4) jump 跳
But frogs can jump very high. 不過青蛙可以跳好高。
And some people think they're cute. 有的人覺得牠們可愛。
I guess you're right. 我想你是對的。

animal 動物
rainforest 雨林
frog 青蛙
jump 跳


  1. Why is this new frog called a 'glass frog'?
    A: Because it will break if you drop it
    B: Because it wears glasses
    C: Because you can see through parts of its body

  2. Can this glass frog jump far?
    A: Yes! It can jump over 3 meters!
    B: Yes! It can jump from North to South America
    C: No. It can only walk slowly

  3. What's something special about this glass frog?
    A: It's black and hides under the mud
    B: The daddy frog watches the eggs - not the mommy
    C: The daddy frog reads stories to the eggs every night


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B