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Sleepy Bus Tour

Sleepy Bus Tour

News For Kids

2021/12/01 | 00:05:32 | SoundOn #education

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Oh, excuse me! Do you ever feel sleepy during the day, but then not sleepy that night? Actually, a lot of people have that problem!
你會不會有時候白天想睡覺,但是到了晚上就不睏了? 其實很多人都有這個問題。

Do you also ever feel sleepy when sitting on the bus or the train?

Guess what? A lot of people feel like that too!

You must have seen many people fall fast asleep on their way to school, or work, or on the way home when riding public transport.

Well, in Hong Kong, a company that does bus tours decided to give these people what they want.

They started a new tour. A five-hour bus ride that just… drives around.

Passengers buy tickets to this tour… to get some sleep!
一家香港旅行社決定來幫忙。他們推出五小時繞來繞去的巴士行程,客人買票上車就可以睡覺了 !

That's pretty weird!

The tour bus also gives passengers an eye mask and ear plugs! Some passengers even bring their own blanket, pillow, and slippers!
旅行社提供眼罩跟耳塞. 有的客人還會帶自己的棉被枕頭跟拖鞋!

If you really can't sleep, maybe a long sleepy bus tour could help you. But I still think I'd prefer getting a good night's sleep in my own comfortable bed!


  1. People 人們。
    Many people feel tired on their way to work. 很多人在上班途中覺得好累。
    I'm one of those people. 我就是那些人中間的一個。

  2. Sleep 睡眠,Sleepy 睏倦的。
    Do you sleep well at night? 你晚上睡得好嗎?
    No, I can only get 5 to 6 hours of sleep every night. 不好,我每天晚上只能睡五六個鐘頭。
    That's why I'm always sleepy. 這是為什麼我總是好睏。

  3. On their way 在途中。
    Can you buy breakfast on your way to school? 你可以在上學路上買早餐嗎?
    Sure, no problem. 可以,沒問題。

  4. Tour 旅程。
    We're going on a tour tomorrow. 我們明天要去旅行。
    Tour? A tour to where? 旅行?到哪裡旅行?
    To the Land of Sleep. 去睡眠之鄉旅行。

Would you join me to read the words?
people 人們
sleep 睡眠
on their way 在途中
tour 旅行


  1. Where is the tour from the story happening?
    A: Hong Kong
    B: Australia
    C: Vietnam

  2. What will the passengers ride on the tour?
    A: A train
    B: A bus
    C: A boat

  3. What kind of tour is it?
    A: A party tour
    B: A history tour
    C: A sleepy tour

  4. A
  5. B
  6. C