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Elephants Use Their Trunks for Many Things

Elephants Use Their Trunks for Many Things

News For Kids

2021/12/15 | 00:05:35 | SoundOn #education

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Hey, kids. Today, I'm going to talk about the biggest animal on land. Yup, it's the elephant.

The coolest thing about an elephant is its trunk.

Elephants use their trunks for a lot of things. They use them to smell, of course. But they also use them to lift heavy things. And, they use them to suck water.

But their trunks are not like straws. They don't drink the water through their trunks. They put the water from their trunks into their mouths.

Some scientists in America are really interested in elephant trunks. They studied an elephant named Kelly to find out more about her trunk.

One thing they found was that Kelly uses her trunk to suck up food, not just water.

She sucks up the food with her trunk and then puts it into her mouth. Kelly can even pick up a chip without breaking it!

Why do scientists want to study elephant trunks? One reason is they think it can help them make robots better. Maybe they can make robots suck things like elephants can. This could help robots do more things.

Elephants are great, aren't they?


  1. Pick up 撿起來。
    Elephants can use their trunks to pick up chips. 大象能用長鼻子把洋芋片撿起來。
    Well, I can use my fingers to pick up an ant. 我可以用手指捏起螞蟻。

  2. Mouth 嘴巴。
    The baby is putting something in his mouth. 嬰兒把什麼東西放進了嘴裡。
    I think it's a grape. 我想是一顆葡萄。
    I'll get it out of his mouth. 我來把它拿出來。

  3. Find out 發現,知道。
    He wants to find out how grapes taste. 他想知道葡萄的滋味。
    He can find that out when he has teeth. 他可以等有牙齒之後再去發現。

  4. Interested in 有興趣。
    Babies are very interested in things around them. 嬰兒對周圍的東西很有興趣。
    Yeah, they like to learn. 對,他們想要學習。

pick up 撿起來
mouth 嘴巴
find out 發現,知道
interested in 有興趣


  1. How do elephants drink water?
    A: They drink it through their trunk like a straw.
    B: They suck it into their trunk and put it in their mouth.
    C: They blow into the water and catch it with their mouth.

  2. What is the name of the elephant that scientists studied?
    A: Kelly
    B: Sally
    C: Betty

  3. Why are scientists interested in elephant trunks?
    A: To make elephants more healthy
    B: To make better robots
    C: To help elephants drink water better


  1. B
  2. A
  3. B