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How Planets Support Life

How Planets Support Life

News For Kids

2021/09/01 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

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We live on the planet Earth. And Earth goes around the sun with other planets. This is our solar system. 太陽系中的行星都繞著太陽轉。

Earth can support life because the conditions are just right. 地球上有生命,因為各種條件都剛剛好。

But why don't the other planets have life?

Some are too close to the sun, making them too hot. Some are too far from the sun, making them too cold. Things need to be just right.

Earth also has water which is really important for life. 水也很重要!

We haven't found any other places in our solar system that have life. 我們目前在太陽系其他地方還沒找到生物。

But, there are other solar systems really, really far away, where different planets go around different suns. 但是距離我們很遠很遠的地方,還有別的太陽系,也有行星圍繞著那些太陽。

Some of them could have conditions a bit like Earth. They could be not too cold, and not too hot, they could also have water! 有的行星可能跟地球很像,既不會太冷也不會太熱,也許還有水呢!

We don't know if they have life or not. But, they might! And that's pretty exciting!



  1. Earth 地球。
    When we say Earth has water, what does it mean? 當我們說地球上有水,是什麼意思?
    It means there are seas and rivers on Earth. 意思是說地球上有大海,有河流。

  2. Planet 行星。
    Planets go around the sun, 行星繞著太陽轉, and moons go around the planet. 月亮則繞著行星轉。
    It's too bad that planet earth only has one moon! 真可惜地球這個行星只有一個月亮。

  3. Solar 太陽的。
    I'm using a solar watch. 我在用太陽能手錶。
    So it can't run when there's no sun? 所以沒有太陽時它就動不了?
    No, it keeps going at night. 不會,它晚上還是會走。

  4. Solar System 太陽系。
    Our earth is a planet of the solar system. 我們的地球是太陽系的一顆行星。

Let's read them out loud.
Earth 地球
planet 行星
solar 太陽的
solar system 太陽系


  1. What is our planet called?
    A. Mars
    B. The Sun
    C. Earth

  2. Why does our planet have life?
    A. Because it's big
    B. Because the conditions are just right
    C. Because it's hot

  3. What else is really important for life?
    A. Water
    B. Bicycles
    C. Cheese

1: C
2: B
3: A