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English Road Closes for Toads

English Road Closes for Toads

News For Kids

2022/05/02 | 00:05:37 | SoundOn #education

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Today, I want to talk about frogs and toads.

Do you know the difference between a frog and a toad?

Well, frogs have smooth skin, like a tomato. Also, they look a bit slimy! Toads look dry. Their skin is not smooth, it is rough, like a melon! They look like they have many warts.

Frogs have long legs, and like to jump. Toads have short legs, and they like to crawl.

Because their legs are short, toads move very slowly, so it is really difficult for toads to cross a busy road!

In England there is a town that helps toads cross the road safely every year. They close a whole road just for the toads! Cars have to stop to let the toads get to the other side!

No cars can drive on this road for a long time. That's because many, many toads cross this road. It takes them all about a month to get across!

If the road weren't closed, the cars would kill a lot of toads Yew! Luckily, the people who live on the road are happy to help the toads. They don't want the toads to get killed by cars! I'm glad people in England are helping these toads!

And remember, toads are not the same as frogs. Their skin looks different, and they move differently. Anyway, see you guys later! And watch out for toads on the roads!


  1. cross 穿越
    Should we cross the road here? 我們應該在這裡過馬路嗎?
    No, it's too dangerous! 不行,太危險了!
    The cars are driving very fast. 車子開得非常快。

  2. road 道路
    But the toads were crossing the road here yesterday. 但是昨天蟾蜍就是從這裡過馬路。
    That's because the police closed the road. 那是因為警察把路給封閉了。

  3. close 關閉
    I hope somebody will close it now. 我希望現在有人封路。
    Just for the two of us? I don't think so. 就為了我們兩個人嗎?我想不會。

  4. skin 皮膚
    Babies have such nice skin! 嬰兒的皮膚真好!
    I know. It's so smooth! 我知道,好光滑喔。

These are fun words to learn!
cross 穿越
road 道路
close 關閉
skin 皮膚


  1. Why do toads move so slowly?
    A: They are unfit
    B: They are lazy
    C: They have short legs

  2. How long is the road closed for toads?
    A: A week
    B: A month
    C: About half a year

  3. What is a frog's skin like?
    A: It is smooth, like a tomato
    B: It is rough, like a melon
    C: It is made of plastic, like a coca cola bottle

  4. C
  5. B
  6. A