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Tiny Frog Found on Bananas

Tiny Frog Found on Bananas

News For Kids

2022/04/08 | 00:05:30 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Today I'm going to talk about a frog.

This is a special frog. It usually lives in Africa. And it is really small. This frog is about the size of a fingernail!

Wow! This frog is really tiny.

But there is something else special about this frog.

Remember that I said it usually lives in Africa? This frog was found a long way from Africa.

It was found in England!

Some kids in England opened a package of bananas, and found the tiny frog!

I bet those students were surprised!

You are probably wondering how those students knew the frog came from Africa. That's because the plastic package had a label. The label said the bananas came from Africa.

So that means the bananas were put on an airplane and then flew to England.

What happened after the kids found the tiny frog on the bananas? A teacher put it in a container with water. Frogs like water.

Then they called some people to take the little frog away. These people knew how to look after animals really well. The people who took the frog think it is a tree frog.

I guess the frog likes banana trees!


  1. Tiny 非常小的
    Do you want to see the tiny bee I found? 你要不要看我找到的非常小的蜜蜂?
    A tiny bee? 非常小的蜜蜂?
    Jane, this is not a bee. It's a ladybug. 這不是蜜蜂,是瓢蟲。

  2. Package 包裹
    You've got a package today. 你今天有一個包裹。
    Oh, I hope it's the fish I bought. 我希望是我買的魚。
    Fish in a package? 魚的包裹?
    Yeah, it's frozen. 對,是冷凍的。

  3. Come from 來自
    You come from England, right, Ryan? 你來自英國對吧,萊恩?
    I do, and I'm going back soon. 我是,而且我很快要回去了。

  4. Look after 照顧
    Are you going home to look after your parents? 你要回家去照顧父母?
    Sort of. 算是吧。

tiny 非常小的
package 包裹
come from 來自
look after 照顧


1.How big was the frog?
A: The size of a hand
B: The size of a finger
C: The size of a fingernail

2.Who found the frog?
A: A teacher
B: Some people who look after animals
C: Some school children

  1. What happened to the frog?
    A: A child ate it.
    B: People took it away.
    C: It went back home.


  1. C
  2. C
  3. B