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An Irish School's Cracking Christmas

An Irish School's Cracking Christmas

News For Kids

2022/12/23 | 00:05:10 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Only two days left till Christmas! Are you ready? 再兩天就是耶誕節了!

In Europe, some people like to open Christmas crackers while eating Christmas dinner.
在歐洲,有一些人會在吃聖誕大餐的時候玩 Christmas crackers!

Huh?! What's a Christmas cracker?!

Christmas crackers are colorful gift boxes. Inside there's always three things: a toy, a paper hat, and a joke!
Christmas Cracker 就是耶誕拉炮,是小小的耶誕禮物盒,裡面會有一個玩具、一頂紙帽子,跟一則笑話!

Two people hold a cracker, and pull as hard as they can, then, it rips open with a loud "BANG"! Whoever gets the bigger half wins!

There's a school in Ireland where they really, REALLY love Christmas crackers! Last month, they pulled open 1703 crackers all at once!
愛爾蘭有一間學校在上個月,同時一起拉開 1703 個耶誕拉炮!

The students wanted to break the record for the most crackers pulled at the same time in one line.

And guess what… they did it!

The students made the all crackers by themselves! They worked hard for half an hour every morning, for two weeks! They said it was really fun, and it made everyone very excited for Christmas!

Now I'm all excited for Christmas too! Have a cracking Christmas everybody!


  1. Ireland 愛爾蘭
    Have you ever been to Ireland? 你有去過愛爾蘭嗎?
    No, I hope to visit someday. 沒有,我希望有一天能去。
    Irish people seem to love having lots of fun. 愛爾蘭人看起來很喜歡玩耍。

  2. break 打破
    I also heard that they like beer a lot. 我聽說他們很喜歡啤酒。
    They've tried to break the world record for drinking beer. 他們有試過打破喝啤酒的世界紀錄。

  3. hold 拿著
    Could you hold this bottle for me? 你可以幫我握著瓶子嗎?
    I want to pull the cork out. 我要把軟木塞拔起來。

  4. excited 興奮的
    What is it? 這是什麼?
    It's a very expensive wine. 是很貴的酒。
    I won it at a party. 我在派對上贏的。
    You must be very excited to try it! 你一定很興奮想喝。
    I am. 確實是。

Ireland 愛爾蘭
break 打破
hold 拿著
excited 興奮的


  1. How many days are left till Christmas?
    A: 1
    B: 2
    C: 3

  2. What are Christmas crackers?
    A: Cheesy biscuits
    B: Colourful gift boxes
    C: Roasted chestnuts

  3. Where in the world is this cracker-crazy school?
    A: Greenland
    B: Iceland
    C: Ireland


  1. B
  2. B
  3. C