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Luxury Meals on a Bus

Luxury Meals on a Bus

News For Kids

2022/01/13 | 00:05:34 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Hi kids! Do you know what I'm doing today?

I'm going to have a special meal.

It's a luxury meal.

The meal is from a five-star hotel.

But I'm not eating in a restaurant or a hotel.

No; I'm going to it on a bus.

Yes, that's right… a bus!

It's a double-decker bus.

Also, it is black.

So, if you see this big, black bus, you will know it's special.

The bus drives around Taipei.

It drives by places like Taipei 101 and Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall.

People can have dinner on the bus.

Dinner is a bit expensive… $1,800 NT.

Or you can have afternoon tea.

Afternoon tea is cheaper. It's $1,000 NT.

Now, you might think it's strange to eat a luxury meal on a bus.

Doesn't the food fall off tables during the ride?

No. The food is kept on the tables with racks. These racks keep the glasses, plates, and bowls from sliding off the tables. That's a good thing!

Well, here is my bus now. I'm going to have my luxury meal now. See you later!



1) Five-star hotel 五星級飯店。
I love staying at five-star hotels. 我很愛住五星級飯店。
Who doesn't? 誰不愛呢?
But I like any hotel with good food. 不過任何有美味餐點的飯店我都喜歡。

2) Meal 餐。
Most people eat 3 meals a day. 大部分人一天吃三餐。
Not me. I only eat one meal a day. 我不是,我一天只吃一餐。
That's not healthy. 那不健康。

3) Drive 駕駛。
Could you just drive around? 你可以駕車繞來繞去嗎?
I don't want to go home. 我不想回家。
Sure, but I can't keep driving all night. 當然。不過我沒辦法整晚一直開車。

4) Afternoon tea 下午茶。
Having afternoon tea is my favorite way to relax. 喝下午茶是我最喜歡的放鬆方式。

five-star hotel 五星級飯店
meal 餐
drive 駕駛
afternoon tea 下午茶


  1. How much is the most expensive meal on the bus?
    A: NT$1,000
    B: NT$1,200
    C: NT$1,800

  2. What color are the special buses?
    A: Black
    B: Red
    C: White

  3. What meals can people have on the special bus?
    A: Breakfast and dinner
    B: Afternoon tea and dinner
    C: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B