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Zoo Reopens in Kaohsiung

Zoo Reopens in Kaohsiung

News For Kids

2022/12/27 | 00:05:19 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


December 27th is "Visit the Zoo Day", so today… I'm going to visit the zoo!

Yeah! The Kaohsiung Zoo just opened again, and it looks great! The old zoo was too small for the animals, but the new one has lots of space, and it's cleaner and nicer too!

There are 'skywalks' at the new Kaohsiung Zoo. They are like bridges. People can see the animals much better now, but the skywalks also hide the people from the animals!

This is really good because it means the animals can feel happy at the zoo and not get scared by seeing so many people.

One of my favorite things at the new Kaohsiung Zoo is the chimpanzee cage restaurant.

Chimpanzees are super smart and of course, they are our animal relatives!

The old chimp cage wasn't very nice. It was kind of like a jail.

But now that old cage is going to be a restaurant for visitors, and the chimps have a super big new area where they can live and play.

A zoo can be a wonderful place for people to see and learn about animals, but a zoo should always think about the animals first.

I'm happy Kaohsiung's new zoo is a much better place for animals… and it's a lot more fun to visit too!


  1. cage 牢籠
    Would you like to eat at the new cage restaurant? 你想不想在那家鐵籠餐廳吃飯?
    Sitting in a cage? 坐在籠子裡嗎?
    What kind of food do they offer? 他們有什麼餐點?
    Definitely no chimpanzee meat. 一定沒有黑猩猩肉。

  2. smart 聰明的
    But I think it's a smart idea. 不過我覺得那是聰明的主意。
    To turn the old cage into a restaurant. 把舊的籠子變成餐館。
    Indeed, I can't wait to see it. 確實是,我等不及想要看看了。

  3. hide 躲藏
    Why are you hiding here? 你怎麼躲在這裡?
    I'm not hiding. 我沒有躲。
    I just want to be alone. 我只是想一個人。

  4. space 空間
    This is a nice space. 這是個很好的空間。
    It was. Until you came. 到你來之前是很好。

cage 牢籠
smart 聰明的
hide 躲藏
space 空間


  1. Why did they fix the zoo in Kaohsiung?
    A: It was too big
    B: It was too small
    C: It was in Taipei

  2. Why are there "skywalks" at the zoo?
    A: To see the animals better
    B: To help the chimps climb trees
    C: They just look pretty

  3. What will they do with the old chimp cage?
    A: Use it as a farm
    B: Use it as a restaurant
    C: Use it as a bank


  1. B
  2. A
  3. B