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Electric Airplanes Tested in America

Electric Airplanes Tested in America

News For Kids

2022/10/19 | 00:05:31 | SoundOn #education

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Hi students! Today we're talking about electric vehicles.

There are electric bicycles, electric cars, and even electric buses! The world is changing: now, there is even an electric airplane!

No way! That's amazing! A new electric airplane!

They are testing the electric airplane in America. This electric airplane is small. It can carry just 11 people.

And after testing, if everything is safe, some companies will start using small electric airplanes for short trips with only a few people.

But in just a few years, electric airplanes will get bigger and stronger!

One day very soon, airplane companies are going to make big electric airplanes.

Maybe one day you'll fly to Europe or America in an electric plane!

Ahh, that would be so nice. It would be so quiet! And it would be much, much better for the environment!

I can hardly believe it, but electric airplanes are here!

Soon, maybe every kind of vehicle in the world will use electric power!


  1. plane 飛機
    Hey, what's that? 嘿,那是什麼?
    I can't believe it! It's a plane! 真不敢相信!是一架飛機!

  2. electric 電動的
    Why isn't it making any sounds? 為什麼它都沒有聲音?
    I think it's an electric plane. 我想它是電動飛機。
    Really? Even my electric bike makes more noise. 真的嗎? 我的電動腳踏車聲音比它還大。

  3. safe 安全的
    Do you think it's safe? 你覺得它安全嗎?
    My bike is very safe. 我的腳踏車很安全。
    No, I mean the plane. 不,我是說飛機。

  4. company 公司
    It should be. 應該安全。
    The company making the plane would make sure it's safe. 製造那架飛機的公司會確保它是安全的。

Let's read today's vocabulary together.
plane 飛機
electric 電動的
safe 安全的
company 公司


  1. What are they testing in America?
    A: An electric garbage truck
    B: An electric airplane
    C: An electric monkey

  2. How big is the airplane in the story?
    A: Small. It can carry 11 people
    B: Small. It can only carry 2 people
    C: Super big! It can carry 500 people

  3. Electric cars, buses, and airplanes are…
    A: …quiet, and good for the environment
    B: …noisy and ugly
    C: …funny and stinky


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A