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Keeping Taiwan's Coastline Clean

Keeping Taiwan's Coastline Clean

News For Kids

2022/09/16 | 00:05:30 | SoundOn #education

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The last time I was at this beach, it was covered in garbage! There was so much garbage I couldn't even walk along the water.

There were glass bottles, old boxes, and a lot of plastic garbage. Those are not things that should be on a beach.

Some experts say as much as 150,000 bags of garbage can be found on Taiwan's coastlines every year.

That is about 650 tons worth of garbage. Do you know how much 650 tons weighs? That's the weight of about 160 full grown Asian elephants!

That's why it is so important for people to volunteer to clean all the garbage up! If we don't help keep our coastlines clean, we won't be able to go to the beach and play in the water.

Tomorrow, September 17th, is Coastal Cleanup Day.

And I am going to spend the day volunteering to pick up garbage that I see on the beach!

If everyone helps out a little, it shouldn't be too hard for all of us to keep Taiwan's coastlines clean.


  1. beach 海灘
    Let's go to the beach on Sunday. 我們星期天去海灘吧。
    No, it's too hot. 不去,太熱。
    Let's leave at 5 PM. 我們五點出發。
    And watch the sunset on the beach. 然後到海灘看夕陽。

  2. clean 乾淨的
    The beach is often dirty. 海灘常常很髒。
    No, it's clean now. 不,現在很乾淨。
    People picked up the garbage last weekend, remember? 大家上周末去撿垃圾,你記得嗎?

  3. pick up 撿起來
    See, it's so nice here! 看吧,這裡很舒服吧!
    Yeah, if you pick up all these bottles. 是啊,要是你把這些瓶子都撿起來的話。

  4. garbage 垃圾
    I can't believe there's already so much garbage. 真不敢相信又這麼多垃圾了。

beach 海灘
clean 乾淨的
pick up 撿起來
garbage 垃圾


  1. How much garbage ends up on Taiwan's coastline every year?
    A: 150,000 bags worth
    B: 1,500 bags worth
    C: 150 bags worth

  2. About how much does all that garbage weigh?
    A: 650 kilograms
    B: 650 grams
    C: 650 tons

  3. When is Coastal Cleanup Day?
    A: Tomorrow
    B: Today
    C: It passed this year already


  1. A
  2. C
  3. A