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Man Makes Stairs to Mountain Temple

Man Makes Stairs to Mountain Temple

News For Kids

2023/02/18 | 00:05:12 | SoundOn #education

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People like to visit a mountain temple because it is peaceful. But to reach that place, they need to climb the mountain first. It's not easy.

That was the problem for a village in India. That village had a mountain with a Hindu temple on top. The temple was famous, and many people wanted to visit.

The problem was, there were no stairs! It took people many hours to climb. Plus, old people and children could not do it. The temple was too hard to reach.
問題是這座山沒有階梯,人們要花好幾個小時才能爬上去。 老人跟小朋友根本沒辦法到達那座廟。

A local man named Mr. Paswan wanted to change this. He saw that he could use simple tools to make stone stairs for the people to climb.
當地有一位名叫 Paswan 的先生想解決這個問題,他用簡單的工具來製作石頭階梯。

Mr. Paswan worked every day, cutting the stone into hundreds of stairs. Sometimes he got tired, but he kept thinking of all the people he could help. He never gave up.
Paswan 每天都在把石頭切割成數百個台階。他也會累,但是想到能幫助許多人,他就沒有放棄。

He started this work eight years ago. Now, he has finally finished! Many people have come to thank Mr. Paswan for his hard work. Thanks Mr. Paswan!
八年前開始的工作,現在終於完成了! 大家都來感謝Paswan先生的辛勤工作。


  1. climb 爬
    Cherry blossoms on Xiangshan are in full bloom. 象山的櫻花全開了。
    Let's go up Xiangshan on Sunday. 我們星期天去爬象山吧。
    Bad idea. I don't like climbing stairs. 壞主意。我不愛爬樓梯。

  2. easy 容易的
    But the flowers are beautiful! 但是那些花很漂亮!
    And the mountain itself is easy. 象山本身也容易爬。

  3. hundreds of 數百個
    No, it's not. 不容易。
    There are hundreds of stairs. 它有好幾百個階梯。
    That shouldn't be a problem. 那應該不是問題。

  4. give up 放棄
    You can rest on the way. 你途中可以休息。
    No, I will just give up. 不,我就會放棄。
    Oh, come on! You're not 90! 少來了! 你又不是九十歲。

climb 爬
easy 容易的
hundreds of 數百個
give up 放棄


  1. Where did Mr. Paswan make the stairs?
    A: Italy
    B: India
    C: Indonesia

  2. What place did Mr. Paswan want to help people reach?
    A: A temple
    B: A school
    C: A shop

  3. How long did it take to make the stairs?
    A: Two years
    B: Four years
    C: Eight years


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C