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Scientists Grow Gardens Underwater

Scientists Grow Gardens Underwater

News For Kids

2023/06/01 | 00:05:12 | SoundOn #education

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Happy World Reef Day!

The world's most famous coral reef is the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. It's the world's biggest reef too.

Coral reefs are very important for life underwater. Many kinds of fish live in them. They're like apartment buildings for fish! Some people fish there. They sell or eat the fish.

Taiwan's biggest coral reef is by Lamay Island. But more than half of Lamay Island's reef died in 2020. This is because the ocean is getting warmer. It's sometimes too warm for coral reefs.
台灣最大的珊瑚礁在小琉球,但是 2020 年,小琉球的珊瑚死了一半以上。因為海洋溫度升高。

Coral reefs are made of millions of very small coral animals. Reefs take thousands of years to grow. But we need them now.

Scientists are working to save coral reefs. Last year, they tried a new idea. They planted new coral on reefs. These scientists are underwater gardeners!

The idea worked! The new coral grew. More fish came every day!

Scientists gardening underwater, saving reefs and protecting ocean life! Far out, dude!


  1. underwater 在水下
    It's so hot today! 今天好熱喔!
    Yeah, I wish I could go diving underwater. 對啊,真希望潛到水裡。

  2. ocean 海洋
    In the ocean? 潛到海裡?
    In the ocean, with colorful fish, turtles and coral reefs around me. 在海裡,四周都是繽紛的魚、烏龜和珊瑚礁。
    Where can you find such a place? 哪裡可以找到這種地方?
    Xiao-liu-qiu. 小琉球。

  3. warmer 更溫暖的
    But it's in Pingtung. 不過那在屏東。
    It maybe even warmer there. 那裡可能更熱。

  4. die 死亡
    You're right. 你說得對。
    But I'd die if I didn't go swimming somewhere. 但是假如我不去哪裡游泳我就會熱死。

underwater 在水下
ocean 海洋
warmer 更溫暖的
die 死亡


  1. What is the world's most famous coral reef?
    A: The Belize Barrier Reef
    B: The Great Florida Reef
    C: The Great Barrier Reef

  2. Where is Taiwan's biggest coral reef?
    A: Orchid Island
    B: Green Island
    C: Lamay Island

  3. What is making coral reefs die?
    A: Warmer oceans
    B: Too many fish
    C: New coral


  1. C
  2. C
  3. A