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Laser Can Control Lightning

Laser Can Control Lightning

News For Kids

2023/03/29 | 00:05:10 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Have you ever seen a lightning storm? It's weather that can be very scary.

First, you see dark clouds in the sky and lots of rain. Then the clouds make loud noises. This noise is thunder.

Before you hear the thunder, you see a very fast white light. It comes down from the sky to the earth. This light is lightning.

Lightning is electricity. In your home, you need electricity. It is safe. As lightning, it's dangerous. It can hit trees, buildings, or even people.

Is there a way to control lightning? We don't want it to hurt anybody. Scientists in Europe found how to control it. They use lasers!

They went to a mountain in Switzerland. When a storm came, the scientists shot a laser into the clouds.

The lightning did not hit any buildings or people. It followed the laser.

The scientists are happy. Their test went so well! Lasers can control lightning. They hope lasers will make the world safer.

In the future, we won't fear dangerous lightning. When a lightning storm comes, we can use a laser to control lightning!


  1. sky 天空
    Where are we going this weekend? 我們這周末去哪裡?
    To the beach, to swim under the blue sky. 去海灘,在藍天下游泳。

  2. weather 天氣
    Are you sure we'll get a blue sky? 你確定會有藍天嗎?
    That's what the weatherman said. 氣象員是這麼說的。
    Sunny skies and high temperatures. 艷陽天,高溫。

  3. cloud 雲層
    We're getting nothing but rain and clouds, Jane! 什麼都沒有,只有雨跟雲!
    And thunder! 還有打雷!

  4. safe 安全的
    At least we're safe here in this beachside cafe. 至少我們在海邊咖啡館很安全。
    But what about our swim? 那我們的游泳呢?
    The storm should pass in no time. 風暴很快就過去的。

sky 天空
weather 天氣
cloud 雲層
safe 安全的


  1. What is the loud noise in a storm?
    A: Thor
    B: Thunder
    C: Thursday

  2. What will scientists use to control lightning?
    A: A laser
    B: A fan
    C: A tree

  3. Where did scientists try to control lightning?
    A: On a mountain
    B: In a forest
    C: On the ocean


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A