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First Black US Supreme Court Judge

First Black US Supreme Court Judge

News For Kids

2022/05/09 | 00:05:39 | SoundOn #education

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A judge is a very important person. A judge makes decisions about important things, like new laws.

But there is one group of 9 judges in America called the 'Supreme Court'. They make all the final decisions.

They are the top judges in America.

For a long time, only men were Supreme Court judges. But that's not fair, right? Women should be judges too!

And, for a long time, most of the men were white people. But that's not fair either!

America has white people, black people, Asian people, Native American people… and lots of different people.

So, the top court should have lots of different kinds of judges, right? Not just men… and DEFINITELY not just white men!

Luckily, things are changing. In 2021, there were three women on the Supreme Court… but in 2022, a new woman judge joined the court.

And she is a black woman! Her name is Kentanji Brown Jackson, the first black woman Supreme Court judge!
她名字是Kentanji Brown Jackson,是第一位黑人女性大法官!

That's so cool! I think it's great that the court now has Kentanji Brown Jackson… the court needs all kinds of people… all colors of people… and both men and women!

Welcome, Supreme Court Judge Jackson!


1) important 重要的
Come to the party tonight, Paz! 今晚來參加派對吧!
I can't. I have something important to do. 不行,我有重要事情要做。

2) fair 公平的
It's not fair! 真不公平!
What's not fair? 什麼東西不公平?
We did the same work, but he got 200 NT, and I only got 100. 我們做同樣的工作,但是他拿到兩百塊,我只拿到一百。

3) man 男人,woman 女人
That woman is walking a dog… 那個女的在遛狗…
But the man is walking a cat. 而那個男人在遛貓咪。
What? Let me take a look. 什麼? 我來看看。

4) final 最後的
When is our final test? 我們的期末考什麼時候?
It's on Friday. 星期五。

Don't worry, your final test is not on Friday.
important 重要的
fair 公平的
man 男人
woman 女人
final 最後的


  1. What is the Supreme Court?
    A: America's top court
    B: A place to play basketball
    C: A police station

  2. How many judges are on the Supreme Court?
    A: 9
    B: 6
    C: 906

  3. Judge Kentanji Brown Jackson is the__?
    A: The first black woman Supreme Court judge
    B: The first child Supreme Court judge
    C: The first white man Supreme Court judge


  1. A
  2. A
  3. A