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Spiders Might Dream Like People Do!

Spiders Might Dream Like People Do!

News For Kids

2022/10/25 | 00:05:38 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Oh… hi there. I was just sleeping. I must have been sleeping very deeply. Could you tell?

Sometimes you can see if a person is sleeping deeply just by how their eyes move. If a person is asleep, and their eyes are moving quickly behind their eyelids, that means they are sleeping very deeply.

This is called REM sleep, which stands for "rapid eye movement". "Rapid" means fast, so rapid eye movement means your eyes are moving quickly.
這個叫做快速動眼期。"Rapid" 就是快速的意思。

Usually when that happens to a person who is asleep, they are sleeping very deeply.

If you have a pet dog or cat, maybe you have seen them do this when they were sleeping deeply.

But humans, dogs, and cats aren't the only animals who can get REM sleep. Do you know what other animal does this? Jumping spiders!

Scientists have found that jumping spiders' eyes make movements like people when they sleep deeply. This means they get REM sleep, which means they might also have dreams.

I wonder what spiders dream about? Maybe they dream about catching flies. And I wonder how many other animals also dream like people do?


  1. sleep 睡眠
    I'm so tired! 我好累!
    Didn't sleep well last night? 昨晚沒睡好嗎?
    No. I fell asleep quickly, but then woke up early. 對。我很快就睡著,但是很早醒來。

  2. deeply 深沉地
    I envy those who can sleep deeply. 我羨慕那些可以睡得很熟的人。
    Maybe you should do some exercise. 也許你應該做一些運動。
    That always helps. 運動總是有幫助。

  3. dream 作夢
    I sometimes dream about falling. 我有時候會夢到往下墜。
    From high places? 從高的地方嗎?
    From very high places. 從很高的地方。
    That's scary! 那會讓人害怕!

  4. dream 夢
    I had a dream of being lost. 我做了一個迷路的夢。
    I didn't know where I was. 我不知道我在哪裡。
    Oh, that's a bad dream. 那是個惡夢。

sleep 睡眠
deeply 深沉地
dream 作夢,夢


  1. What does REM mean?
    A: Real energetic memory
    B: Random entertaining mind
    C: Rapid eye movement

  2. What happens during REM sleep?
    A: Deep sleep
    B: Shallow sleep
    C: The person is awake

  3. What animal did scientists find out get REM sleep?
    A: Ants
    B: Flies
    C: Spiders


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C