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Village Oven Bakes Again

Village Oven Bakes Again

News For Kids

2023/01/12 | 00:05:12 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


We get most of our heat and light from electricity. The problem is, electricity can be expensive!

Thousands of years ago, in England, owning an oven was expensive too. Most people didn't have one in their home.

Instead of lots of little ovens, most villages had just one that was really big. They called it the "village oven". The baker would use it first. Then, while the oven was still warm, everyone else could use it too!

Last year, a baker in England decided to bring the village oven back! He wanted to help people pay their electric bills, so he opened up his huge kitchen for everyone to use, and even offered to cook some things for free!

They call him Baker Ed. He's helped people in his town lots of times before. He's held free cookery classes and free kid's clubs. And when it's cold he lets people use the heat of his oven to keep warm!
大家叫他 Ed 師傅。他以前也常常幫助他的村莊。他會開免費的烘焙課,還有小孩的社團!很冷的時候,他也會讓大家在他的烤箱旁邊取暖!

His neighbors and friends think he is doing an amazing thing, helping people to eat and keep warm while electricity is so expensive. Bravo, Baker Ed!


  1. cook 烹飪
    It's so cold here! 這裡好冷喔!
    You have to cook something, Paz! Anything. 你一定得煮一點兒東西,派絲,什麼都好。

  2. oven 烤箱
    Okay, let me bake some cookies and bread in the oven. 好吧,我來用烤箱烤一些餅乾和麵包。
    Great idea! 好主意!
    Let's fire up the oven now. 我們現在就把烤箱熱起來。

  3. kitchen 廚房
    Not so fast! 不要這麼快!
    I need to prepare the stuff first. 我需要先準備材料。
    Would you like to help me in the kitchen? 你可以來廚房幫我嗎?
    I'd be happy to. 我很樂意。

  4. warm 溫暖的
    Finally, I'm feeling warm! 我終於覺得暖和了。
    Can you smell that? It's our bread baking. 你聞得出來嗎?我們的麵包正在烤。
    I love warm bread! 我愛熱麵包!

cook 烹飪
oven 烤箱
kitchen 廚房
warm 溫暖的


  1. What can fire not do?
    A: Light our homes
    B: Keep us tall
    C: Cook our food

  2. Where did they use village ovens thousands of years ago?
    A: England
    B: Finland
    C: Legoland

  3. What do they call the kind baker in this story?
    A: Baker Jed
    B: Baker Ed
    C: Baker Ted


  1. B
  2. A
  3. B