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First Native American in Space

First Native American in Space

News For Kids

2022/11/16 | 00:05:04 | SoundOn #education

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Today, we are congratulating Nicole Mann, the first Native American to go to space!
恭喜 Nicole 成為第一個去外太空的美國原住民!

"Native Americans'" are the first people who ever lived in North America.

We have native people here in Taiwan too! In English, they are called "indigenous".

In Chinese, they are called "Yuan Zhu Min."

A long time ago, there were many, many indigenous people here, but today, only about 2% of Taiwan's people are indigenous.

And you know, that's the same as America!

America had many, many indigenous people before too, but today, only about 2% of Americans are Native Americans.

And now, a Native American has gone into space!

Her name is Nicole. Nicole is the commander of the spaceship! She's the boss!

It's really great, because it helps other Native Americans know that, one day, they might be able to go into space too!

Maybe an indigenous Taiwanese person will also go into space one day! That would be cool, right?

Good luck Nicole! The first Native American in space!


  1. space 太空
    Living in space must be a lot of fun. 住在太空中一定很好玩。
    You can watch Earth from up there. 你可以從上面觀看地球。

  2. spaceship 太空船
    I don't want to live there. 我不想住在那裡。
    But I'd like to travel around in a spaceship. 但是我想搭太空船旅行。

  3. native 本地的,土生土長的
    Listen! It's so beautiful! 你聽,好美的歌聲!
    Yeah, they are native Taiwanese children. 對啊,他們是原住民小孩。
    They're wonderful singers, aren't they? 他們是很棒的歌手,不是嗎?

  4. people 人們
    Why do native Taiwanese people sing so well? 為什麼台灣原住民都唱得那麼好?
    I can sing, too. 我也會唱。
    Would you like to hear it? 你想聽嗎?

space 太空
spaceship 太空船
native 本地的
people 人們


  1. Who are Native Americans?
    A: The first people to live in space
    B: The first people to live in Taiwan
    C: The first people to live in North America

  2. What do we call Native Taiwanese people?
    A: Indigestion
    B: Indigenous
    C: Indecision

  3. What is Nicole's job on the spaceship?
    A: The boss
    B: The doctor
    C: The cook


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A