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Strangers Unite After Airplane Cancelled

Strangers Unite After Airplane Cancelled

News For Kids

2023/01/07 | 00:05:10 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Last month in America, an airline flight was cancelled.

Everyone thought they were going to be late! Until one very clever traveler, called Renee, had a very clever idea…
大家都以為他們將會晚到目的地,但名叫 Renee 的旅客想了一個好點子。

Instead of flying, Renee thought she and her daughter could drive home!
Renee 覺得她跟她女兒可以開車回家!

Just then, Renee had another very clever idea! She knew there were lots of other people who wanted to fly too, but couldn't because the flight was cancelled. So Renee asked them all to drive with them!

Lots of people wanted to go, so they had to rent a huge van! One big enough for 15 people!

So this big group of total strangers all agreed to travel together, from Orlando to Knoxville. 650 miles… or about one thousand kilometers!

It took them 10 hours, and they had fun the whole way, talking and laughing and playing silly games! By the time they'd arrived they were all best friends.

Everyone had a great drive, made lots of new friends, and they all got to Knoxville on time! All thanks to Renee, and her very clever idea.


  1. cancel 取消
    Oh, no! They canceled our flight! 糟糕,他們取消了我們的班機。
    How could they do that? 他們怎麼可以那樣?
    I can't believe it. 真不敢相信。
    Now we won't make it to the final game. 現在我們趕不上決賽了。

  2. game 比賽
    But I want to see the final game! 可是我想看決賽!
    I know. Let me ask if we can fly there early tomorrow. 我知道。我來問問能不能明天一早飛去。

  3. agree 同意
    Okay, they've agreed to let us fly tomorrow. 好了,他們同意讓我們明天飛。
    Will we still be late for the game? 我們看比賽仍然會遲到嗎?

  4. late 遲到
    Better late than never. 遲到比永遠不到好。
    I guess you're right. 我想你是對的。

cancel 取消
game 比賽
agree 同意
late 遲到


  1. What kind of vehicle did the group rent?
    A: A cancelled airplane
    B: A tall ship
    C: A huge van

  2. How far is the journey from Orlando to Knoxville?
    A: 640 miles
    B: 650 miles
    C: 1630 miles

  3. How long did the journey take?
    A: 10 hours
    B: 2 hours
    C: 12 hours


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A