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"Sea Dragon" Fossil Found in the U.K.

"Sea Dragon" Fossil Found in the U.K.

News For Kids

2022/03/09 | 00:05:28 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


A really big sea dragon has been found in England. And I mean a really, really, really big sea dragon.

But of course I'm not talking about a real sea dragon. I'm actually talking about a dinosaur.

And of course I'm not talking about a live dinosaur. I'm talking about one that has been dead for millions and millions of years!

A British scientist was taking a walk one day, when he found giant dinosaur bones in the ground. When scientists finally uncovered all the bones, they found out the dinosaur was over 10 meters long!

They found out that this dinosaur could actually swim in the ocean when it was alive… about 180 million years ago.

This is the biggest and most complete group of dinosaur bones that anyone has ever found in England. So scientists who study dinosaur bones are very excited!

This kind of dinosaur is called an ichthyosaur.

They had very long snouts… the snout is their nose area… and they looked very similar to the dolphins that exist in the world today.

What an interesting discovery! I wonder what people millions of years in the future will say when they find stuff that we leave in the ground.


  1. Nose 鼻子。
    I like dogs that have long noses. 我喜歡有長鼻子的狗。
    Like the German Shepherd? 比如說德國牧羊犬嗎?
    Yeah, its nose makes it look smart. 對,長鼻子讓狗看起來很聰明。

  2. Scientist 科學家。
    Scientists say dogs have a keen sense of smell. 科學家說狗狗有敏銳的嗅覺。
    I have a good sense of smell, too. 我也有很好的嗅覺。
    I always know where the cookies are. 我總是知道餅乾在哪裡。

  3. Dolphin 海豚。
    Aren't dolphins cute? 海豚不是很可愛嗎?
    They really are. 真的是。
    They have cute smiles. 牠們有可愛的笑容。

  4. Talk 談論。
    How do dolphins talk to each other? 海豚如何交談?
    I guess they use body language and sounds. 我猜牠們用身體語言和聲音。

Shall we read the words?
nose 鼻子
scientist 科學家
dolphin 海豚
talk 談論


  1. Where did someone find big bones in the ground?
    a. Taiwan
    b. England
    c. Africa

  2. What kind of animal did the bones belong to?
    a. Dinosaurs
    b. Dragons
    c. Sea monsters

  3. What part of the animal was very long?
    a. Their snouts
    b. Their hair
    c. Their nails


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A