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Years of Historic Radio Saved

Years of Historic Radio Saved

News For Kids

2023/02/13 | 00:05:24 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Today is World Radio Day! The first radios were made over 100 years ago!

Radios meant that, for the first time, people could sit in their homes and listen to someone talk miles away. We're used to it now with TV and the internet, but at the time it was all cool and new!

In the old days radio shows were kept on "tapes": long, thin lines of plastic. When they broke, the shows were gone forever. Today radio shows are kept on computers, so they can be kept safe.

In New Mexico, USA, they've been working super hard, taking old radio shows from tapes and putting them on computers.

They're special shows, because they tell us about how people in New Mexico used to live. We can hear all about what they liked, where they went… all kinds of things! They help us learn the history of New Mexico.

They also tell us about who lived there. Not just American folk, but people from other countries too. They've put so many great shows online, full of old music, stories, funny jokes, cool chats, and lots, lots more!

Why not check some out for yourself, and hear the history of New Mexico!


  1. listen 聆聽
    Are you listening to podcasts? 你在聽播客嗎?
    No, I'm listening to the radio. 不是,我在聽廣播。
    Wow, I didn't know people still do that. 哇,我不知道現在還有人聽廣播。

  2. joke 笑話
    I do. 我聽。
    And this show is great! 而且這個節目很棒。
    The host tells all kinds of jokes. 主持人會講各種笑話。
    Hmmm, I love jokes. 我很喜歡笑話。

  3. check out 試試看
    I'll tell you one I just heard. 我說一個剛剛聽到的。
    What's my dog's favorite radio station? 我的狗狗最喜歡哪一家廣播電台?
    W-A-L-K. 散步。
    See? You have to check it out. 你一定要聽聽看。

  4. computer 電腦
    Okay, I'll find it on my computer. 好,我會在我的電腦上找到它。

listen 聆聽
joke 笑話
check out 試試看
computer 電腦


  1. When were the first radios made?
    A: Over 100 years ago
    B: Under 100 years ago
    C: Around 100 years ago

  2. Where were radio shows kept in the old days?
    A: On computers
    B: On TV
    C: On tapes

  3. Which U.S. state has been saving old radio shows?
    A: New Mexico
    B: New York
    C: New Jersey


  1. A
  2. C
  3. A