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Taiwan's Tallest Tree

Taiwan's Tallest Tree

News For Kids

2022/12/01 | 00:05:15 | SoundOn #education

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What can you see in the forest? The forest has flowers and grass, birds and animals, and lots and lots of… trees.

Some trees are short, some are tall, and some are just enormous. In fact, scientists have just found the tallest tree in Taiwan.

That's right! How did they find it? A team of tree hunters was looking for tall trees. They found one in a forest near Hsinchu. People call it the "Taoshan Sacred Tree".

Right away, the tree hunters knew this tree was special.

They decided to climb the tree. They climbed for hours and hours. Finally, the climbers reached the top.

From the top, they could measure the tree. It was nearly 80 meters tall. That means it is not only the tallest tree in Taiwan, but also the tallest tree in all of East Asia!

What's more, the tree is still growing taller every year.

Will the tree hunters cut it down? No way!

They want to protect the tree and study it. In fact, they think there are even taller trees hidden in Taiwan's forests.

Who knows what they will find?


  1. tall 高的
    Look at all these tall trees! 你看這些好高的樹!
    It's amazing! I can't even see the top. 真驚人,我甚至看不到樹頂。
    I wonder how many years it took them to grow this tall. 真不知道要幾年才長這麼高。

  2. top 頂端
    Would you like to try climbing this tree? 你想不想爬這棵樹?
    No way! I could never reach the top. 不想,我根本爬不到最上面。

  3. animal 動物
    And there could be some animals up there. 而且上面可能有動物。
    Like monkeys? 比如說猴子嗎?
    Yeah, and bats and hawks. 對,還有蝙蝠跟老鷹。

  4. tallest 最高的
    Okay, then I'll do it myself. 那我自己爬。
    I want to see if it's the tallest tree around. 我要看看它是不是這一帶最高的樹。

tall 高的
top 頂端
animal 動物
tallest 最高的


  1. Where did scientists find the tallest tree?
    A: Near Hsinchu
    B: Near Hualien
    C: Near Alishan

  2. About how tall was the tree?
    A: 30 meters
    B: 50 meters
    C: 80 meters

  3. What will they do with the tree?
    A: Study it
    B: Cut it down
    C: Build a tree house


  1. A
  2. C
  3. A